Bed Cushion Cover



€7.00 - €16.00


Cushion Cover - Gracie

Pre-washed effect cushion cover, woven in cotton 100%. Density: 380 gsm. Very soft and pleasant to the touch. Elegant, modern and timeless design, ideal for dressing up your bed or decorating other rooms in your home. With hidden zipper closure. Combine and create a unique decoration in your home with the matching bedspreads. Infilling not included. Made in Portugal.

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Cushion Cover - Alpes

Pre-washed effect cushion cover, woven in cotton 100%. Density: 380 gsm. Very soft and pleasant to the touch. Elegant, modern and timeless design, ideal for dressing up your bed or decorating other rooms in your home. With hidden zipper closure. Combine and create a unique decoration in your home with the matching bedspreads. Infilling not included. Made in Portugal.

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Cushion Cover - Gracie

Pre-washed effect cushion cover, woven in cotton 100%. Density: 380 gsm. Very soft and pleasant to the touch. Elegant, modern and timeless design, ideal for dressing up your bed or decorating other rooms in your home. With hidden zipper closure. Combine and create a unique decoration in your home with the matching bedspreads. Infilling not included. Made in Portugal.

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Cushion Cover - Memphis

Pre-washed effect cushion cover, woven in cotton 100%. Density: 380 gsm. Very soft and pleasant to the touch. Elegant, modern and timeless design, ideal for dressing up your bed or decorating other rooms in your home. With hidden zipper closure. Combine and create a unique decoration in your home with the matching bedspreads. Infilling not included. Made in Portugal.

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Percale 100% Cotton Cushion Cover - Lagos

Cushion cover design with 200 threads of 100% percal cotton fabric. Very soft and pleasant touch with solid and intense colors. With flap closure and elegant embroidered appliqué embroidery with geometrical details. The structure of the percal makes it a breathable fabric and generates a feeling of freshness.Decorating your bed has never been so simple and practical. Combine and create a unique decor in your home. Infilling not included. Made in Portugal.

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Cushion Cover - Noah

Cushion cover design with 144 threads of 100% cotton. With flap closure. Cotton is a breathable, hypoallergenic natural fiber that has a soft touch. It is a cool fabric on warm days and provides warmth on cold days. Oeko-Tex 100 certified: every component of this article, has been tested for harmful substances and that the article therefore is harmless for human health. It is resistant to high temperature washing. Decorate your bed has never been so simple and practical. Combined with our collections of sheet and duvet covers sets. Made in Portugal.

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Cushion Cover - Noah

Cushion cover design with 144 threads of 100% cotton. With flap closure. Cotton is a breathable, hypoallergenic natural fiber that has a soft touch. It is a cool fabric on warm days and provides warmth on cold days. Oeko-Tex 100 certified: every component of this article, has been tested for harmful substances and that the article therefore is harmless for human health. It is resistant to high temperature washing. Decorate your bed has never been so simple and practical. Combined with our collections of sheet and duvet covers sets. Made in Portugal.

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Percale 100% Cotton Cushion Cover - Leman

Cushion cover design with 200 threads of 100% percal cotton fabric. Very soft and pleasant touch with solid and intense colors. With flap closure and elegant embroidered appliqué embroidery with geometrical details. The structure of the percal makes it a breathable fabric and generates a feeling of freshness.Decorating your bed has never been so simple and practical. Combine and create a unique decor in your home. Infilling not included. Made in Portugal.

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Cushion cover - Matteo

100% cotton decorative cushion cover. Zipper closure with flap on 3 sides. Soft and durable fabric that provides comfort and personalized style to your ambient. Ideal to use both your bed how your couch. Their colors give you the option to combine it with our collection of bedspreads, sheets sets and plaids. Made in Spain. Infilling not included.

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Cushion cover - Matteo

100% cotton decorative cushion cover. Zipper closure with flap on 3 sides. Soft and durable fabric that provides comfort and personalized style to your ambient. Ideal to use both your bed how your couch. Their colors give you the option to combine it with our collection of bedspreads, sheets sets and plaids. Made in Spain. Infilling not included.

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Ropa y fundas de cojines para vestir tu dormitorio. Mantas, fundas nórdicas, sábanas, colchas, cojines... Compra online con gastos de envío gratis.

¿Qué son las fundas de cojines?

Las fundas de cojín son piezas esenciales para transformar los espacios de una forma fácil, rápida y económica.

La decoración debería ser una tarea divertida y con la que pudiéramos disfrutar del resultado y la mejor manera de conseguirlo es cambiando pequeños elementos como las fundas de cojín.

En esta categoría puedes encontrar fundas para los cojines de la cama y fundas de cojín para decorar el sofá, sillón, …, La diferencia principal ente unos y otros es que los que aconsejamos para poner encima de la cama no llevan cremallera, sino que en la parte posterior tiene una solapa para facilitar introducir o sacar el relleno y que a la vez no moleste si se usa para dormir.  El resto de modelos de fundas de cojín tienen cierre de cremallera en uno de los laterales.

¿De qué materiales y medidas son nuestros cojines con relleno?

Antes de escoger la funda de cojín, hay que tener claro las medidas del relleno, tanto se tenga que comprar de nuevo o aprovechemos uno de casa.

Te facilitamos una pequeña guía para que lo tengas más fácil:

Para las fundas de cojín de 30x50cm usa un relleno de 30x50cm.

Para las Fundas de cojín 40x40cm usa un relleno de la misma medida.

Para las Funda de cojín de 45x45cm y 50x50cm usa un relleno 50x50cm.

Para las fundas de 55x55cm y 60x60cm te aconsejamos el relleno de 60x60cm

Para las fundas de 70x70cm usa un relleno de la misma medida.

¿De qué materiales son nuestras fundas de cojín?

Nuestras fundas para cojines son de medidas y composiciones variadas. Normalmente todos los modelos que encontrarás en la categoría de cama son 100% algodón, los seleccionados para deco puedes encontrar de 100% poliéster con tacto terciopelo, mezcla de algodón y poliéster con originales diseños de bordados, … 

¿Para quién?

Estilos y colores para todos los gustos: originales, exóticos, clásicos, atrevidos, en tonos lisos o estampados, bordados, …

Cuidados básicos

Tenemos que tener en cuenta algunos cuidados esenciales para poder conservarlas correctamente. Todas nuestras fundas de cojín son aptas para lavar en la lavadora, fíjate bien en la etiqueta, usa programas adecuados, detergentes suaves y a temperatura no muy altas para que se conserven correctamente las fibras y evitar que se estropeen.

Anímate a combinar las fundas de cojín decorativas con los plaids, mantas o ropa de cama …, y verás que, con un simple gesto, cualquier sencilla y discreta estancia se puede transformar por completo.
